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Newest Members
Mr Adams
Alphonse Aguirre
Mark Albin
Derek Albright
Mrs Alter
Katie Alvey
Fran Anderson
Montie Anderson
Donna Andrews
Celeste Anthony
Timothy Appleby
Melissa Arndt
Dorothy Axelberg
Ruth Bachrach (Tulchinsky)
Michele Badur
Helen Baker
William Baker
William Baldwin
David Barnes
Darren Batteast
Meghan Beard
Phillip Beasley
Linda Bennett
Connie Benson
Willie Berry
Letty Best
Carrie Bidwell
Angie Bitner
Gregory Bitsko
Lloyd Blickenstaff
Dennis Bodle
Dorinda Bond
Janice Bostic
Denise Boyd
Amy Boyle (Sorocco)
Heathar Bradbury
Brianna Bradley
Monika Breed
Kevin Brewer
Mary Lou Brewer
Elmer Britton
Del Ray Brooks
Marc Brown
Angela Browning
Bonnie Brueseke
Mark Brumbaugh
Mark R Brumbaugh
Eugene Buczynski
Kathryn Buda
Angela Bussard
Kathy Buszkiewicz
Bliss Butts
Patrick Cain
Rose Calhoun
Dorthy Carpenter
James Carpenter
Jean Casper
Joseph Catanzarite
Dorthy Chamberlain
Dianne Chambers
Sallie Cheston
Dianna Christopher
Jay R. Clark
Timothy Clark
Jessie L Cochran (Schille)
Jackie Cole
Nicolas Cole
Ronald Eugene Cole
Roselyn Cole
Alice Collins
Kathy L Coney (Buszkiewicz)
Elizabeth M. Conner (Gluth)
Mary Cook
Mr Cooper
Ermina Coric
Dr Corke
William Cossey
William Court
Marilyn Cregier
Ted Crisman
Joan Dangler
Barb Danik
Angie David
Shirley Davidson
Beth De Donato
Leon De Witte
Pamela Decker
Vince Dedario
Ashley Denaway
Leonard Deranek
Thomas Derwent
Christina Dettman
William Dettman
Leon DeWitte
Evelyn Dickerson
J. Galen Dickey
Dan Dimich
Clarke Dippell
Mr Doaks
Stanley M Dodgson
Kathleen Douglass
Frederick Dreves
Marcella Duncan
Andrew Dunn
Barbara Dupy (Humnicky)
Bryan Eck
Mrs Edwards
Mansour Eid
Cleo Eisbrenner
Phillip Ell
Elizabeth Elmer
Ms Emkow
Thomas Emmons
Ray Emrick
Ray D "Bud" Emrick
Clare Everdon
Mr Fecher
Virtus Felton
Deborah Ferraro
Garrett Fields
Hannah Fischer
Mary Ford
Dakota Foster
Michele Foust
Joann Fox
Eldon Fretz
George Friedman
Alice Frost
William Fuerbringer
M. J. Galbreath
Harry Ganser
Walter F Garrett
Michael Gatchell
Casey Geer
Paul H Gerard
James H. Gerhold
Don Gerstbauer
Dasha Giger
Brian Ginzer
David Gleason
Muriel Goheen
Abbe Golden
Fred Goldstein
Joseph Good
Tenisha Gorman-Henry
John Grabowski
Officer Gresso
Clare L Groner (Everdon)
Mr Groves
Susan Groves
Shakurah Grumbacher
Wayne Guikema
Jana Gunn
Jason Haithcox
Bryan Hall
Richard Ham
William Hammond
Helen Haney
Carol Hanson
Edward Hanyzewski
M. Dale Harbaugh
Michael Harding
Milton Harke
Milton Harms Harke
Wendy Harman
Shawn Harrington
Gregory Harris
Al Hartman
Jene Hartman
Timothy Haywood
George U Heeter
Kathryn Hein
Catherine Henderson
Charan Jean Henderson (Richards)
Thomas Hess
Helen Hibbs
Salah Hilal
Celeste Hilliard
Alice Hixon
Mamie Hodges
Sharon Holston
Teretha Hooker
Bonita Hoover
Elizabeth Horban
Tina Horvath
Jackie Huber
Chad E Hudnall
Charlotte Hughes
Clinton Hummer
Judy Hums
Ms Hunter
Joe Huppenthal
Natalie Huppenthal
Meredith E. "Spud" Huston
Mr Jackson
Brenda Jamison
Kathleen Jaroszewski
Debra Jennings
Anne Johnson
Deja Johnson
Lloyd Johnson
Lloyd Edward Johnson
Dorthy Johnston
Loveda Jones
Mr Jones
Maurice Kane
Norma Kanouse
Daniel Kasper
Prabhjit Kaur
Karen Kazmierzak
Linda Kazmirski
Darcy Kindelan
Jeffrey Kindelan
Grace King
Irene Walter King
Jalyn King
Ronnie King
Thomas King
Darcy King-O'Blenis
Ray Kirk
Frances A Kohler (Seward)
Mary Kramer
Virginia Kraus
Robert Krause
Scott Krause
Michele Kriner
Beverly J Krogh
Marie Kruckel
Marie A. Kruckel
Denise Kuehner
Michael Kuntz
Gary Kurtis
Barbara Ladouceur
Dianne Lagessie
Elizabeth Lake
Cynthia Landrum
Richard Langel
Irwin Larrier
Judy Latanation
Brent Lea
Frances Lein
John Leland
Dagny M Lenon (Diamond)
Elizabeth Lewis
David Lichtenbarger
Clarence Lindzy
Maryland Lipscomb
Norris Lockman
Caleb Long
Clinton Loop
Migdalia Lopez
Barbara Lorch
James Love
Richard D. Lovin
Jack Lowe
Robin Macer, Rn
Janet Macey
Louis Macon
Helen Manuszak
Lester Mark
See Mark
Charles Martin
Martha Marzotto
Dorothy Mather
David Matson
Mrs Mattai-Crockett
Neil E. Matthew
Karen Marie McClure (McKibbin)
Kathleen McClure
Betty McDonald
Ms McGrew
Ms McIntee
Dorothy E. McInturf (Powers)
Mattie McKnight
Patrick Mechem
Carlos Mejia-Lopez
Louise Melander
Bonnie Miller
Galon Miller
Jerry Gene Miller
Josh Miller
Michael Miller
Chloe Misner
Darryl Mitchell
Ed Mitchell
Joan Mitchell
Gregory Molchan
Dalida Mood
Dwight Mood
Ivan Moore
Jane Moore
Paula Moore
Terrance Moore
John Morgan
Mary Morgan
Sarah Morris-Mesoros
John Mouros
Benjamin Murray
Zach Myers
Harry Nafe
John Nagy
Shannon Newman
Tayler Newport
Marie Niebauer
Mr Noble
John Wesley Norman
Eileen O'Brien
Kenneth Olin
Lois Olson
Catherine O'Neill
Sandy Orgorkiewicz
Debra Owen
Mary Pajakowski
Clare Palenchar
Danny Palmer
Victor L. Papai
Barbara Pasionek-Wieczorek
Faith Patterson
Matthew T. V. Pawlak
Tricia Pawlak
Daniel Perett
Joan Perusek
Andrew Petrass
Courtney Phelan
Norma Phenegar
John Pierson
Daniel Polizzotto
Ms Polk
Lena Polzonetti
Donna Pope
William Porter
Kimberly Potts
Dorothy Powers
Earl Prout
David Lynn Pruitt Jr
Miguel Quijada
Ralph Edward Radecki
Amir Ragab
Kim Rayl
Charles Reavis
Mr Redman
Adell Reed
Jennifer Reihl
Jim Reinebold
Lawrence Remble
Janet Jean Remmel (Wadzinski)
Patricia Rhodes
Deborah Rininger
Gary L Roberson
Rick Roberts
Mr Robertson
James Robinson
Kelly Rock
Shirley Roemer
Steven Romans
Steffani Ronfeldt
Tyler Rouse
Eric Rowe
Madge Rowe
Ms Ruvalcaba
Thomas Lowell Saunders
Deborah Schaalma
Greg Schell
Jessie Lou Schille
William Schlundt
Brett Schmiege
Kemilyn Schreiber
Kyle Schreiber
Phyllis Schuelke
Steve Scott
Glen Scrivnor
Richard Searer
Frances Seward
Sandra Shade (Rowe)
Gregory Shaffer
Robin Shaffer
Carolyn Shidaker
Louise Shines
Mary Short
Jeanine Shrack
Kaneda Shuppert
Robert Sikorski
Kimberly Sipes
Steven Skalla
Jelena Skaro
Howard Smith
Mary Smith
Robert Smith
Steven Smith
Denise Sonneborn
Ms Soots
Amy Sorocco
Mary Sparks
James Spears
Artheda Spencer
Freda Spencer
Mr Speybroeck
Joseph Spinsky
Henry Raymond "Ray" Stafford
Sheila Stanage
Kenneth Stankiewicz
Michele Stauffer
Miss Stef
Andrew Steinke
Eunice Steinke
Ms Stewart
Patricia Stewart
John Stinson
Mildred Stinson
Dale Stroud
Nathanael Sudduth
Edmund C Sweeney
Dian Swoape
Camille Sykes
Roman Sysyn
June Szabo
Edward Szucs
James Szucs
Stella Thomas
Prince Ella Thornton
Candice Tobias
Janet Tobolski
Christy Tolch
Sarah Torzewski
Joseph Toth
Greg True
Robert Turnock
Carolyn Upton
Thomas Vandewalle
Gerald Vanlaecke
Lawrence Vanore
John W Vogt
Deanna Voss
Lora Wade
Dan Walkey
Geraldine Walters
Mr Warner
Jimmy Warren
Marcia Warter
Mrs Wash
Edwin Wasmuth
Erika Watkins
Michelle Weaver
Judith Weber (Case)
Alan Weems
Greg Werner
Bonnie Wesolowski
Maxine Wesson
Allen Westendorp
Mark Westendorp
Steve Whitaker
Mary Widner
Ms Wieczorek
Bethany Wilcox
Gaily Williams
Mr Willis
Yonika Willis
Sandra Wilson
Phyllis Wolff
Yvette Wolter
Teri Woodruff
Shirley Wroblewski
Beverly Wu
Ruth Eleanor Yeager
Angie Yewchuck
C. Hugh Yoder
Marceil Yoder
Julia Young
Tracy Zahl